Friday, August 12, 2005

Be a Change Agent ( Part 2)

Leadership starts with ourselves, you were not born with (at least that is my theory) it is a skill that you develop overtime by learning from you mistakes, your habits and ultimately it is the showroom of your character.
It is your actions, your ethical behaviour your creativity, your beliefs that shape organizations.
Leadership is primarily a relationship between people and this relationship to be successful must be built on trust.
Trust is something that you foster and strengthen with time by living the values that you believe in.
The golden rule of leadership is providing the example by living what you preach,
Leading by doing what you mean.
Leadership based on mutual trust should be everyone’s business, and be applied not only to the financial world but also in our daily actions in our social and private environment.
Leadership is about the ability to motivate others to achieve common objectives.
If we want this world to become a better one, than leadership starts with ourselves we all take full responsibility for doing what we say we will do.
It is an important first step to reinstall credibility in our financial, political and social institutions.