Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Being accountable,...

Encouraging creativity and risk taking but always fostering a culture of taking responsibility and being accountable for own actions are key competencies that BBBB is promoting and as a fact written on our mission statement.
We have been hearing a lot lately concerning the creation of Bad Banks in the US and Europe in order to help the Credit Institutions to clean up their accounts, but one can ask why should the tax payer be called to take over the ”mess” caused by, as many say “ greedy bankers “, where is the social responsibility of these “leaders” , why are they not been called to stand up and “pay” for their “mismanagement”, why is one big bank in Europe paying 90 millions Euros in form of Bonus to their management when the bank has reported a operating loss of 400 Millions in the same period ?
What do you think?

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